12ax7 tube comparison chart. So I am guessing a transitional example of this great amp.
12ax7 tube comparison chart (If you’re in for some preamp-tube-swapping fun, Our 6L6 Tube Review Chart helps you find reviews and ratings of our best 6L6 and 5881 tubes. The following should be direct substitutions. I have no idea why, they just seem to grow on me, and I'm in no hurry to put the others I need to replace the 12ax7 tube in my SWR 350x amp. but the gain factor is only 70 compared to 100 for the 12AX7 Also a great substitution in 12AX7 type guitar distortion pedals. Some are noisy while others are not. In the vintage set I use 3 Philips Miniwatts made in Heerlen,Hollan The screening is clearly applied. These all have gray plates. Those charts by Brent Jesse are a great primer for familiarising yourself with the different classes and families of tubes. I compared this tube against an old EI and Telefunken smooth plate and there was very little difference. The JJ-ECC83MG (Mid Gain) is a new preamp tube from JJ which they say is a mid-gain version of the 12AX7 vacuum tube type. They will in most cases if not all, cost more than new manufacture. It seemed appropriate to use this as a reference tube and it did not disappoint. The big difference is that has a “darker” tone than the other two. All of which some audio enthusiasts may notice or prefer. Just purchased a very late 1960 Fender Concert (JL date code on tube chart). Multiple differences or of other kind: 12AD7; 6DR4; 7729: First year: 1949 -- Collector My MP-1 sounded fantastic with EH's about a million times better than JJ's. Developed in USSR, it’s highly regarded for its sonic performance and robustness. A premium quality ECC803 preamp tube that replaces any 12AX7 / ECC83 vacuum tube type. Not paying > $30 for a tube that's going to be spent in a year anyway. Location: Mullard 12AX7 long plate or RCA 12AX7 long plate are great tubes. tube dampers, and how these dampers can greatly improve tube sound and performance in guitar and audio applications. Amp brands that use 12AX7 tubes. Some are darker sounding while others are bright. This dual triode tube has been pivotal in defining the tone and character of guitar To put it differently, the 12AY7 vacuum tube can often replace a 12AX7 in your amplifier and give you a rich, warm tone with lower gain than a 12AX7. It has the same gain. Also this 12AX7 is a wonderful sounding tube, as well as these which I like a bit more. Matching Where Aailable Is $10 Extra Per Tube. $17. I found there to be a really nice top end that is smooth and free from harshness, while still delivering a nice bit of sparkle. Ideally, every 12AX7 should yield the same gain when placed in the same circuit; however, in reality there are comparative gain differences among 12AX7's. The 12AX7 kept losing emission and it arrived as a repair. In a Fender Champ they displayed no microphonics or rattling, and had a warm, smooth character that can still get rowdy when driven. or any worse than any other preamp tube by the same manufacturer--from one manufacturer to another there may be quality differences, but because one tube is a 12AX7 and another is a 12AT7, does not mean one was built Lower plate load gives a nice steep 'dive-bomb' loadline, while lower plate voltage (330 B+) protects tube from HV shorting, and allows pushing tube into cut-off safely. It's either EHX or Tung Sol. Tubes make, if anything, an extremely subtle difference. I use them when I can't get my CV4004's from K Deal. It is the 6 12AX7/7025 tube configuration but the tube chart denotes it as a 6G12. The following chart shows the different amount of gain for each of The 12AX7 is one of the most widely used double triodes in audio circuits. 2 watts of power before it would begin to fail. In samples where guitar sound was playe The 6N1P tube is a dual triode vacuum tube commonly used in audio applications. They sound very punchy and have lots of gain. This comparison only covers a few of the external structural differences. A lot of amp brands use 12AX7 tubes, usually at the preamp stage. An excellent tube in all Marshall amps the 3 preamp positions. 12AX7 Tube Reviews; 6L6 / 5881 Tube Reviews; EL34 Tube Reviews; EL84 Tube Reviews Seeking to try different 12AT7 NOS tube and 12AT7-substitutes (not 12ax7 or Log in or Sign up. All new tubes had at least 20 hours of burn in time on them. ECC83 - European designation for 12AX7 12AX7 - The 12AX7 is a high-mu twin triode which operates in typical service as a class A amplifier, in the preamp stages of high fidelity, musical instrument, and public address amps, as well as professional line and microphone preamps, and many other audio 12AX7 tube characteristic question. Are you looking for the very best 12AX7 preamp tubes for your amplifier? This is the place to start. See the differences and similarities among various brands and types of 12AX7 tubes. The current tube in the head doesn't have any branding on it at all. EL34 Family Tube Comparison January 1, 2016; Review – Preferred Series EL34 Tube November 19, 2015; Woodland Melody October 28, 2015; Why Vinyl? Currently looking at a 12AX7 / B759, Genalex Gold Lion tube as a replacement. The gain factors for each tube are (approximately): 12AX7 = 100 5751 = 70 12AT7 = 60 12AY7 = 40 12AU7 = 17. The 12AX7 Valve (or 12AX7 vacuum Tube) is a small preamplifier valve which is identical to the ECC83 – same valve, just a different name. Stevie Ray Vaughan was known to use 5751 preamp tubes to coax a firmer crunch from his vintage Fender amps. The article is loaded with information, graphs and diagrams. Also included in A graph and a table comparing the gain, noise, frequency response and tone of different 12AX7/ECC83 tubes. Read more: 12AX7 tube comparisons by Amplified Parts. Each offering its own take on the tube’s construction and design. Everyone seems to have there favorites. The ones I have seen show me no real difference from 12AX7's. The JJ ECC803-S is a warm, full sounding tube, with high-gain. com. Every new manufacture 12AX7 is an "A" device because they improved the heater to cut down on hum. I don't think it makes a difference what tube you put in it, I doubt you will hear much difference. I have even seen someone use a 12AX7 to drive a reverb tank. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > iplagolf Well-Known Member. Please login or register. These guys have reasonable prices and great service. Browse: Home / Review – Sovtek 12AX7-WA, 12AX7-WB. From our review: " The JJECC83-MG tube is a fine sounding tube. It's a mini dual-triode vacuum tube that has become one of the most common types of vacuum tubes used in guitar amplifiers. If you want to upgrade, go with a 7025 tube or a Good Ol' NOS Telefunken, Buble Boy, Valvo or RCA 12AX7. With that tube installed the amp is turned up to obtain the highest clean output possible. However, in that time frame TS manufactured several different variations of 12au7's(A) that have different sonic characteristics from each other. i have half a dozen diy headphone amps that i use at work almost everyday, and sometimes my co-workers mess with 'em and leave 'em on for days at a time - so i had to swap out many tubes. Discussion in 'Audio Hardware' started by CaseyJames, Mar 14, 2021. #1 -- @allied333 is talking about old production UK-made Mullard from the '50s and '60s, tubes that haven't been made in 50 years. Other substitutes in these families are (some are much more resilient and built for rugged use, called "ruggedized" in the tube field): All 12AX7's have an amplification factor (µ) of 100 (“high-mu”). This sets the stage for the entire test. Brand and model preferences: The ECC83 and 12AX7 are produced by various manufacturers. The 12AY7 tubes are not 12AX7’s and have many different properties. 12AX7 Tube Reviews; 6L6 / 5881 Tube Reviews; EL34 Tube Reviews; EL84 Tube Reviews; 6V6 Tube Reviews; KT66 Tube Reviews; Join Us. But I agree, EHX are harsher. This is one of the best 12AX7 for any guitar amp. It's great sounding in hifi amps and guitar amps (guitar players see note below). JJ is good as well for PI and the loop buffer. 6V (nominal supply voltage) and you get 0. Aug 9, 2003 1,152 11 4,531 Jax, FL. 2 watts. Of course, you're having issues with the 12AU7. Increasing the cathode bias resistor is often necessary. Subscribe to our newsletter and receive a 10% off code for your next order. Tung-Sol 12AX7 is a great all-rounder that delivers good gain without washing out the fine details and textures. And if you are using TungSol 12AX7, a long plate 12AX7 such as Mullard I plotted the spectra up to 5kHz on chart for all samples you The difference between tubes could be seen. How is this information useful? If you have any amp that is producing too much gain with 12AX7 preamp tubes, then you could swap these for a lower gain tube such as a 5751 or 12AT7 which would help reduce the gain in the amp. Since today you'll pretty much never run into a series filament circuit and pretty much only will see parallel filament circuits, the difference between a 12ax7 and a 12ax7a is functionally meaningless and, as noted above, in current production tubes, you can't count on their being any difference between a tube labelled 12ax7 and one labelled Here is a quick comparison of new 12AX7 tubes tried recently. Preamp tubes like the famous 12AX7 are cathode biased, which allows the tubes to automatically adjust themselves if one tube runs a little “hotter” (with more plate current) or “cooler” (less plate current) than another. The grey plate are lower cost. Pre-Amp (12AX7) Tube Comparison, in an M-Pulse 600 12AX7 Comparison Chart . JJ 6V6S Power Vacuum Tube. Those two tubes are about night and day difference in sound. 95. What is the difference between a 12AX7 Valve and an ECC83 preamp valve?” Buy your ECC83 here. While the 12AT7 is rated at 2. Forums. . Amp Parts & Covering. These are all pin compatable with one another, the only differences being the gain factor of each tube. They draw more current than a 12AX7 as well as What is a 12AX7 tube? 12AX7 tube is a small signal dual-triode vacuum tube found in just about every tube gear today. However, in reality there are comparative A graphical comparison of current production 12AX7 tubes based on gain, noise and frequency response. 12AX7 Phase Inverter: Drives power tubes harder, greater distortion; 12AU7 Phase Inverter: More linear, maintains fidelity at higher volumes; Experimenting with these tubes in either circuit can yield vastly different results, with the 12AX7 offering that classic tube amp break-up and the 12AU7 providing a cleaner, more controlled sound. I hear no difference in-between RCA 12AX7 long black or grey plate. JJ EL84 / 6BQ5 Power Vacuum Tube. Nice charts but I dont' see my favorite 12ax7. As for sonic differences -- let your ears be the judge! Best 12AX7 For Guitar and Bass Amps TungSol 12AX7. The higher bias point (-2. spotify. A 12AT7 tube will give you slightly less 12ax7 Comparison of Current Made Tubes - Free download as PDF File (. The new 12AX7M is an excellent choice as a replacement tube for any amplifier design using a 12AX7, ECC83, or 7025 preamp tube. I use this at the tone control on my Eico HF-85. A common substitution is to replace a 12AX7 with a 5751 or a 12AT7 to tame a preamp that tends to overdrive For an example, for every twenty low noise RCA 12AX7 black plate tubes we test, we probably throw away 2-5 tubes. 89W Total power consumption for 2 tubes is 2 x 1. In this video I make sound comparison between my favorite vintage and modern combination. I chose these See more Learn about the basics, gain, noise and listening tests of different 12ax7 tubes for guitar amplification. 12AX7. Usually generic ( high gain) 12AX7’s have been fitted, and this magnifies the sensitivity of the volume control Sovtek 12AX7WB This tube is very similar to the WC version. 3V x 0. A Tube Comparison August 25, 2015; The link to the 12AX7 chart provided to Vin is pretty accurate. First class preamp tube. 00. What is a 12AX7 tube? A 12AX7 is a 9-pin miniature twin triode preamp tube with a high amplification factor of 100. Subject Tube is followed by JJ has 3 gain levels in their ECC83/12AX7 tube line. txt) or read online for free. Tung-Sol 12AX7 New Production Preamp Vacuum Tube. No microphonics issues at all. Some folks report the volume of the Hot Rod Deluxe is all or nothing. The photos and comparison chart in this article compares and contrasts the current production Russian-made Sovtek EL84 and Genalex Gold Lion N709 / EL84 with the vintage Genalex Gold Lion N709 / EL84. allied333, Feb 5, 2019 #194. 12ax7 Tube comparison chart A Comparison of Current Production 12AX7 Tubes 2013 Graph Interpretation All 12AX7s have an amplification factor (μ) of 100 ("high-mu"). Harmonics over 5Khz were lost in noise so there was no value in plotting them. We use the plate-to-cathode voltage in the chart because the voltage difference between the plate and cathode is what The EF86 vacuum tube is a high gain pentode designed to amplify low-level audio signals. The 12AX7 was originally intended as replacement for the 6SL7 family of dual-triode JJ Electronics Amplifier Tube is the best 12AX7 tube available on the market at the moment. Is there any difference when use any combination of 12A?7 tubes? eg: 12AX7+12AX7 or So a rating of “4” in one tube, compared to a rating of “3” in another tube, means that the first tube just has more of the particular quality, to my ears. Because of its design, the EF86 is much more sensitive than other common preamp tubes like the 12AX7 tube, and achieves more gain. (GT) – early version of this tube; A, L – early ruggedized versions; W – rugged military version, glass envelope with metal band; WGT – the final ruggedized version with heater-cathode voltage uprated In this video I sound test a USA made RCA 12AY7 vs a CBS 12AX7 tube using my Suhr Strat with both Seymour Duncan JBJ bridge pickup and 1985 Seymour Duncan 52. Discussion in 'Tube Audio' started by iplagolf, Dec 21, 2016. Before trying different tube types like 12AT7 or 5751, you may want to try a different 12AX7 tube first. So I am guessing a transitional example of this great amp. The detail is all there as well. Model Power Tubes Controls Master Volume Variable Boost Footswitch Reverb FX Loop Configuration Additional Features Output Impedance; Carmen Ghia: 3 – 12AX7 1 – 5Y3 tube rectifier: Volume, Master, Treble, Bass, Cut: Post-Phase Inverter Master Volume: N/A: N/A: N/A: Head 1×12 (with Celestion Greenback) Tube Interchangability Reference. But currently I'm using these which donot sound nearly as good as the others. The dual-triode 12Ax7 tube has a high gain as compared to the 12Ax7A. Your 12AX7 seem to 12ax7 tube comparison Home. Popular amps like the Fender Princeton and Deluxe tube amps use 6V6GT power tubes. " The Preferred Series 7025 is a great sounding 12AX7 tube type that reminds me a little more of the ECC83 that EI made in the old days. 3A. PART 1 of the preamp tube comparison can be found here: https://youtu. Lowrider75, Mar 15, 2021 #15. Great hi-fi tubes, as the lower gain reduces noise and microphonics. The 7591's were marked as follows: 1) 675/500 and 7500/5600 Interestingly enough, if you chart the tube type, it shows using ENG at 58 for 12ax7, which will scale the reading higher into the "Good" range. There are numerous manufacturers and a few different types of 12ax7 12ax7-s, 12ax7-c, 12ax7-a, etc. A separate filament transformer was used on the switching box to simultaneously heat all six comparison tube filaments without overheating the amplifier's power 12ax7 comparison of current made tubes guitarsite, 12ax7 7025 tube reviews thetubestore com, welcome to tubedepot, el34 6ca7 kt77 tube reviews thetubestore com, fender amp tube talk gearslutz, a look at preamp tube gain ratings, valve tube comparison tests black magic amplifiers, 12ax7 current production vacuum tube comparison, 12ax7 comparison The Preferred Series 12AX7 vacuum tube is a versatile, quiet amplifier tube that will be at home in just about anyone’s guitar or HIFI rig. And of the ones mentioned it's just like you mention Matt, "some may enhance (or cut) the high end or the low end. Amplifier Comparison Chart. JJ ECC83s / 12AX7 Preamp Vacuum Tube. 12AX7 Tube Reviews; 6L6 / 5881 Tube Reviews; EL34 Tube Reviews; EL84 Tube Can't decide which vintage 12AX7 or 12AU7 tubes to buy? Granted it's only the third different tube I've had in the amp, first was the Rogue supplied JJ ECC802S, then I grabbed a pair of (apparently) NOS Mazda/Brimar ECC82, which I preferred over the JJ, but honestly compared to these Tung Sols they just seem to lack a bit of life A review of the JJ ECC83-MG / 12AX7 Vacuum tube. There are rare exceptions. Click to view our 6L6 / 5881 Tube Comparison Chart. The bottom point of the line is the plate supply voltage of 250 volts. We start with the DC plate load line. So we are talking about the extreme cases here, actually most tube models work fine in their linear region. Generally speaking, compared to black-plate tubes, grey plates come with less noise, more treble and balance, more headroom The electronics industry moves fast: the technology of the 6AV6, and hence the 12AX7, was old news, and so were miniature twin triodes. Tubes, or valves as some call them, are found in all manner of electronic equipment, from guitar amplifiers to boutique preamps, and there are even tube-powered microphones. The 5965 version of the 12AT7 has a lower gain of 47. The differences are subtle but definitely noticeable. 12AX7 Tube Reviews; 6L6 / 5881 Tube Reviews; EL34 Tube Reviews; EL84 Tube Reviews; 6V6 Tube Reviews; Use the above chart and read the tube characteristics on Brent Jessee's website. Then, I had it modded with the 3 tube mod and now it sounds much better with JJ's than EH. As for the chart above, for example the Mullard CV4004 box plate and Telefunken smooth plate are in the same rating. A COMPARISON OF CURRENT PRODUCTION 12AX7 TUBES ®2013 Even that each tube has its own character, none 12AX7 Family Tube Substitution. From $25. My That's a relatively brief time frame as compared to other vintage tube brands. 25 Watt Tubes. Each manufacturer produces a 12AX7 that is its own, and each one has strengths and weaknesses. A rugged tube regularly stocked in amplifiers that has survived the test of time. Home Forums > AudioKarma Audio Forums > Tube Audio > 12AX7 Prices and comparisons. This is important because it tells you how much power each tube can handle. 3 1 6,7 4,5,8 The Coletronics chart is nearly the same, except they say to put the shunt knob at 14 instead of 11. You can do a search here on AK for "best 12AX7's and probably come up with a handful of threads on the subject. The 12AX7 tube has been around since the late 1940s. It is still the best thing Sovtek has produced in a 12AX7 vacuum tube, with very good gain and low noise. ·The longer I’ve implemented this chart, the more I may wish to re in my experience, i did hear gain differences, but not much problem with distortion. Overall they look very nice. To prevent damage to equipment, it would be wise to double check with a good tube manual before actually doing a substitution. The 12AU7 had been registered a year or so before the 12AX7, on 18 th October 1946, making it the There are a lot of good to very good new old stock 12AX7's. Not only will this make the amp quieter, but it can also alter the sound by making the TUBE GAIN CHART & SUBSTITUTIONS *12AX7 - 100 - DO NOT USE IN AVIAN SERIES AMPLIFIERS PLEASE! - Call RavenDave if you want to talk about this. Model Power Tubes Controls Master Volume Variable Boost Footswitch Reverb FX Loop Configuration Additional Features Output Impedance; Carmen Ghia: 3 – 12AX7 1 – 5Y3 tube rectifier: Volume, Master, Treble, Bass, Cut: Post-Phase Inverter Master Volume: N/A: N/A: N/A: Head 1×12 (with Celestion Greenback) This tube is also known for having a very complex midrange, which can vary anywhere from biting to warm, depending on how it's adjusted. Reactions: ahc. However, in reality there are comparative gain differences amoung 12AX7s. For example, if you are using a JJ ECC83S, which can be a bit darker sounding, you may want to try TungSol 12AX7. 📊6N2P Tube Datasheet: Cookies & Privacy. The ECC83 Valve – also known as the 12AX7. The GE short plate represents JJ ECC83s / 12AX7 Preamp Vacuum Tube. A recent customer comment: That went smoothly. This website uses cookies to ensure that you get the best experience. Also the tube chart shows a pair of 6L6's versus the 6G12-A circuit indicates 5881's were used. Each current production 12AX7 on the chart has information about the gain structure My laney amp had tad's in it stock, but compared to the chart the 7025 had more highs & less bass, sorta opposite to their findings while the tad ecc83 had more white noise & more balanced EQ with a touch more bass & mids. And three 12AX7 models were used to generate the plate voltage/current vs. allied333 said: ↑. $15. In this guide, we will delve into the nuanced differences between two prominent members of this series: the 12AX7A vs 12AX7B. Tung Sol 12AX7 (includes the gold series as well, not much difference) Electro Harmonix (EH) 12AX7 Mullard re-issue (Long Plate) Mullard CV4004/12AX7 Gold Lion B759/12AX7 Preferred Seires 7025 (the tube store) Northern Electric 12AX7 I will have to make several posts as it is long and to break things up. However, in reality there are comparative gain differences among 12AX7s. More Information Dude, that was very gracious. Be sure to read our customer reviews to help you find the best 12AX7 preamp tube Title: 12AX7 Author: Mullard Subject: FP-2012-06-10 Created Date: 6/10/2012 8:04:10 PM The specifications of the 12AX7 tube, namely the very high low-frequency gain, allowed it to become one of the most popular and recognizable tubes used in analog equipment in the 50s and 60s. The new Mullard CV4004 is a better tube than the Mulard 12ax7, but I was trying to address a common problem seen often enough. Your opinions brightest new production 12ax7 tubes. Anyway, in the following comparison charts, I used Loudthud's great scope trace as the reference. TungSol 12AX7 handles everything from vintage rock to a clean tone sound. European ECC83/12AX7 : ECC83 is the European designation for the 12AX7 tube -- (it is the same exact tube). Parts arrived on time, now installed and working fine. The 12AX7 (ECC83) vacuum tube was invented over 70 years ago and is still an absolute necessity for every electric guitar tube amp and a wide range of hifi audio tube amplifiers. I use these as standard to compare NOS tubes reviewed by: Shawn Wood. How were the tubes tested and compared? The tubes were tested by measuring their voltage gain, frequency response and There is a simple straightforward chart with notes and comparisons of many current production 12AX7 tubes over on the Amplified Parts site. Compare the difference between 12AX7, 12AT7 and 12AU7 tubes and see which one is best for you. $29. It is very rich with great harmonics. A lot of people claim they can tell a difference and x tube sounds more like y, etc The schematic shows a 12AY7 tube but a 12AX7 is a common substitute for higher gain players. By comparison, JJ makes several other preamp tubes that can be an excellent option. Gonna roll some output tubes next (KT88 & EL34) Oh, I'll definitely be getting another quad (or two) of those Cifties to hoard. 5 watts. If you are looking for some affordable experimentation, this should be on your short list. Great Video in which i compare modern and vintage tubesNOTE; Use hi quality speakers or headphones to listen to the samples. The JJ 12AX7 preamp tube is highly sought after by bassists and harpists as it helps reproduce perfectly balanced tones. What is the difference between a 12AX7 and 7025? ANSWER - The 7025 vacuum tube is basically a 12AX7 with Lower microphonics and Lower My speakers and amps are quite revealing. Too much distortion, sounds bad to me. fenderhutz. It manages to sound dark and harsh at the same time. It is a good tube to use for higher gain guitar amplifiers. 12AX7 Tube Price could range from approximately $10 to $50 USD. Welcome To the Hoffman Amplifiers Forum December 28, 2024, 10:07:22 am: Welcome, Guest. More Information Most 7025's made today are just relabeled 12AX7's. The beam power part tells us that the tube, as RCA put it, "is a tetrode or pentode in which directed electron beams are used to increase substantially the power-handling capability of the tube. These are all ruggedized and most can withstand a drop on the floor. The purpose of 12AX7 & 5751 Tube List. Ideally, every 12AX7 should yield the same gain when placed in the same circuit. It has a little less gain than the JJ ECC83S tube but not as low gain as a 5751 tube. Each tube in this comparison was installed in the 12ax7(A) – low-microphonic version; WA – rugedized version with low-microphonic and noise; 6DJ8 (mu: 33): Released – May, 1958. Jul 19, 2011 #3 Jul 19, 2011 #3 I always use JJ's for the simple reason they sound really good without a ton of noise and they are rugged. If you own a tube amp, there’s a good chance it has one or more 12Ax7 tubes running the preamp section. 5) is chosen to [size=x-small] Since some time there is a Russian tube on the American and West-European market with the code 6H1Pi that is translated 6N1P. If your amp will use any of the New Sensor EL84’s the Tungsol EL84 tube will fit just fine. ALWAYs check the bias and idle power of the tube with the new rectifier to be certain that it is running within spec. May 21, 2011 #5 In your case each tube is 6. 300Guitars Around When examining the differences between the ECC83 vs 12AX7, you might initially be puzzled, as these terms often arise in discussions about guitar amplifiers. sounds excellent I too, cannot believe how much difference tube rolling the inputs makes. I like the current Tung Sol 12AX7 tubes, especially in V1. 12AX7 ECC83s 7025 JJ Electronics. Without getting too much into the technical differences between a 12AX7 variant and an EF86, what most players will notice right off the bat is how much gain the latter brings to the circuit. If I put a 12ax7 in V2 then it squeals if the tone control is dimed. I will also briefly discuss the real meaning of a 'NOS' tube, tube faking, and overcharging for tubes by some dealers. When in doubt, we start with Tung-Sol 12AX7. Maybe 10mA vs 1mA in real numbers. But Tung Sols can certainly be harsh as well. 12AT7 - 60 12AY7 - 45 12AV7 - 42 12AU7 - 19. It is often compared to Western tubes like the 6922 and 12AX7 but has its own unique characteristics that make it a preferred option for high-fidelity audio circuits. unless you're going from 12ax7 to 5965 or 5963, 5965 in place of 12at7 should work fine imho. That would be the late 50's/early 60's Raytheon black plate. frequencycentral Posts: 57 3 X 12AX7 4 X EL-84 (or 2 X EL-34) Tell me if I With a gain factor of 70, a 5751 is a popular replacement for a 12AX7, as it reduces the gain of the first preamp stage by around 30 percent compared to a 12AX7, the typical V1 tube. $28. This is the original version of this tube. Equipment Forums. C. Not into NOS. The 12AX7 is a 9-pin miniature, high-mu, twin triode. allied333 Audiophile. 78W Divide that by 12. This graph is based on the average gain and noise measured For example, the common 12AX7 tube has a gain factor of 100, while a 5751 tube (which is often used in place of a 12AX7) has a gain factor of 70. Kurt Prange who is the Sales Engineer at Amplified Parts wrote an article comparing current production 12AX7 tubes. The original 12AX7 was superseded by the 7025 / 12AX7A. A stock vintage amp may not be good enough to clearly hear the differences in 12AX7 tubes, but new tube amps that use the best parts and most do are certainly clear enough EL34 / 6CA7 / KT77 Tube Reviews and Comparison Chart. With Mullard 12AX7’s, it would not be surprising to have zero rejects in a twenty-tube lot. 2mA). IMHO the best tube for the price. Lots of gain with a rather low noise floor. Have you ever wonder what the difference is between each of the 6l6 tubes, have a quick look at this chart to help you see what the differences are as it just might help you choose. Allows for more usable range on the gain controls with less fuzzy/more bluesy distortion. . I was unable to notice a As an example, the JJ ECC83S is one of the cheaper 12AX7/ECC83 preamp tubes out there and IMO it's also one of the worst. This can be confusing until one is familiar with the tester. There seems to be a bit more life in this tube as compared to the previous model. This means that if you plug a 5751 into a socket that expects a 12AX7, the pre-amp will have about 30% less gain. If you own a tube amplifier, preamp, or another tube-driven device, the chances are it will contain one or several 12AX7s. The 12AX7, 12AT7, and 12AU7 all belong to the same family of nine contact, twin triode tubes. Let’s talk a little more about the 12Ax7 tube amp’s gain. This tube is sometimes called the equivalent for 6DJ8/ECC88 or Three of the 12AX7's were marked: WEAK 150/200, the other three: GOOD 200/200. CopperheadLXXIX. My valvefx sounds better with EH. 95 Subscribe & Save. Overall well balanced tube with good detail. So far the best tube layout is a 12ax7 in V1 and a 12au7 in V2. The best for THD is the Sino 12AX7, but wow does that filament glow bright for a Amplifier Comparison Chart. However, the mica is extra thick compared to a standard tube which still gives this tube superior non-microphonic performance. Joined May 2, 2006 Posts 6L6 comparison chart. International shipping. They are labeled as 7025's for those consumers who have to have a 7025's because the tube spec of their amp says so (though they have no idea what a 7025 is or what if any difference there is from a common 12AX7). See how various brands and types of 12AX7 tubes differ in their characteristics and suitability for guitar amplifiers. Radio tubes are valves. ECC83 Tube price ranges in average from about $10 to $50. The highest, or standard level, comes from the ECC803S and the ECC83S. It’s an interesting read with lots of details. Learn more about Groove Tubes and purchase upgrades and replacement tubes to improve your tube amplifier! This is the only way you can compare the different sounds of different tubes in your amp by knowing exactly what's in there. 12AX7 Basics. In single-ended tube amps such as the Fender Champ, one 6V6 output tube can produce about 5 watts of power. Newsletter The purpose of this comparison is simply to provide guitar players with a frame of reference to help in finding the best current production 12AX7 for their needs. The sound difference is debatable when it comes to what sounds "better" anyway. Overall, the 12Ax7 models differ in gain by only a few points, so it is not a significant differentiating factor. *rant on* I have been building (and listening carefully) to tube amps for a dozen years now, and I have lost all interest in different brands of tubes, NOS, gold pins, etc. You could go Click to view our EL34 Tube Comparison Chart. This can lead to subtle differences in performance and tonal characteristics. Hope you enjoy the video as much as I enjoy making it :) Both Philips and Siemens are amazing and have amazing sound, a bit diffierent from each other but bo 12AX7: Since this is the most common tube in guitar amps, a wide variety of brands (including some resurrected old brands) are available to choose from. Amongst all these tubes, 12AX7 has the highest voltage gain factor (mu) of 100. Menu. From left, RCA 5751, Sovtek LPS, Tungsol re-issue, Psvane, GE Triple Mica Black Plate 5751. The 12Ax7 tube is by far the most popular preamp tube used in guitar amplifiers. pdf), Text File (. It is typically used as a preamp in audio equipment and instrument amplifiers. 5 to even 3. Review – JJ E83CC / 12AX7 Tube December 4, 2022; Review – Shuguang 12AX7B Tube December 4, 2022; Audiophile Review – EL34 Family Tube Comparison January 1, 2016; Review – Preferred Series EL34 Tube Hoffman Amplifiers Tube Amp Forum, Updated Tube Comparison Table. The T-12AX7-S-JJ vacuum tube from JJ Electronics comes as an immensely versatile preamp tube, compatible with hi-fi and guitar amps. 3A = 1. Click to expand Yes, Mullard CV I use the new mallard in my Marshall 12ax7 in V1 and V2/3 are JJ Ecc83 and a Sovtek 12ax7LPS in the PI and it sounds good to me. The 12AX7 can only handle 1. and ECC803 on my V1& V2. The next gain level comes in the form of the newly released ECC83 MG. What are the differences between 12AX7 vs 12AT7 vs 12AU7 tubes? Learn common applications and options for swapping tubes. So I have created a comparison chart below with some reviews on what I feel these tube brands bring to the table. The 12AU7 is going to draw as much as 10x current compared to the 12AX7. grid voltage curves, the only change was to flip Loudthud's scope Among the myriad of vacuum tubes available, the 12AX7 series has solidified its place as a staple in the industry, cherished for its versatility and distinct tonal qualities. Read our reviews and ratings. I wish I had a 12at7 but I don't. 3 1 1,2 3,4,5 12AX7 11 6. Using my Pe There is a key between pins 1 and 8 to ensure that the tube can only be plugged in one way. Groove Tubes Cross Reference Chart. The short plate variation of GE’s 12AX7 excels in loud amplifiers, maintaining clarity at higher volumes, and delivering a warm yet bright sound that’s perfect for classic rock, blues, country, and honky-tonk. The next difference between these two tubes is their plate dissipation rating. EL34 Family Tube Comparison January 1, 2016; Review – Preferred Series EL34 Tube November 19, 2015; Woodland Melody October 28, 2015; Why Vinyl? 12AX7 (also known as ECC83 [1]) is a miniature dual-triode vacuum tube with high voltage gain. Check out reviews of our popular audio tubes. Most of the 12AX7's mentioned do have prominent bass. Here is more information on different preamp tubes. Like the 12AX7 tube, the 12AT7 has various adaptations made for specific reasons, like low commotion and roughness. Also included in this comparison are direct substitutes for the 12AX7 including: ECC83, ECC803, 7025 and 5751. The 12AX7 family of dual-triod preamp tubes consists of the 12AX7, 5751, 12AT7, 12AY7, 12AV7 & 12AU7. TungSol 12AX7 is our go-to tube for guitar amps. I prefer Tube 12AX7 or Röhre 12AX7 ID3730, Double Triode, Noval, 9 pin miniature (USA pico-9) B9A and Audio Frequency shown. The Eico manual shows these settings for the 12AX7: 12AX7 11 6. Browse: Home / Review – JJ ECC83-MG / 12AX7. Mullard 12AX7 / ECC83 New Production Preamp Vacuum Tube. A feature of a beam power tube is its low screen-grid current. Fully tested and 100% guaranteed. Cables, Power, Tweaks, Speakers, Accessories (DBT-Free Forum) Thread starter phergus_25; Start date Nov 29, 2006; Nov 29, 2006 at 1:29 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3 phergus_25 Headphoneus Supremus. Groove Tubes Part Number The difference between long and short plate versions of those legends are clearly detectable and in some special cases the colour in which the different tubes render the music changed during the changeover in The color of a vacuum tube’s plate can indicate both the tonal qualities of the tube and the year it was made. 12AD7: Non-microphonic/low hum version of the 12AX7 vacuum tube made by Sylvania. At that time, it was she who began to be widely used in inexpensive record players, guitar amplifiers. Other 12AX7 tube equivalent part numbers are 7025 and CV4004. Developed around 1946 by RCA engineers [2] in Camden, New Jersey, under developmental number A-4522, it was released for public sale under the 12AX7 identifier on September 15, 1947. This tube has a mu factor of 60, as compared to the higher gain 12ax7 with a factor of 100, These charts (see below) are for 12AX7 and 12AU7s, from an old tube site but seems like the 12AT7 type S&H triple micas fit these descriptions Understand the differences between 6N2P, 12ax7 and ECC83 tubes! Make your AMP sound great ♫ We offer worldwide shipping! Skip to content. 12AX7 12AX7A 12DT7 7025 7025A 12DM4A 12D4A 12DQ4 11C5 12DQ6A 12DQ6B 12GW6 12DQ6B 12GW6 12GW6 12BY7A 12AX7 12AX7A 12DF7 7025 The 6V6GT tube was first seen in the 1930's, used in both guitar amps and console amplifiers. Clipping happens quite often The 12AX7 tube is the most popularly used vacuum tube for musical and audio purposes. By this scoring, the best tube overall is the Electro-Harmonics 12AX7. Moreover, the Mullard 12AX7’s have the longest average lifespan of any preamp tube we know of, and they rarely go microphonic. The 12AT7 is also called MESA and is a premium In this video I tone compare a vintage TUNG-SOL 12AX7 tall plate made in USA preamp tube against a Marshall Silver Plate ECC83 12AX7 preamp tube. Draw the Load Line. These are direct replacements for a 12AX7. This graph is based on the average gain and noise measured from different tube brands, using the same There is a simple straightforward chart with notes and comparisons of many current production 12AX7 tubes over on the Amplified Parts site. 89W = 3. Both the 12Ax7A and 12Ax7 tube amps have eight pins, so the differences are quite noticeable. be/PN9HkZ3weB4I decided to get a brand new Mullard 12AX7 preamp tube to compare with th Primarily due to differences in manufacturing processes. The purpose of this comparison is simply to provide guitar players with a frame of reference to help in finding the best current production 12AX7 for their needs. But there are some decent new manufacture 12AX7's too. Rows in gray are tubes used for reference. The previous owner of the head did say that he had replaced the tube at one All 12AX7 tubes have an amplification factor (μ) of 100 ("high-mu"). Main Differences Between 12AX7 vs 12AT7 Tubes. Sonically, I compared the Tung-Sol EL84 power tubes with current offerings from New Sensor and the Tube Store Preferred series 7189 tubes. In Colby and Park amps, I use Tung Sol, Chinese, and JJ 12AX7 tubes, It is also the only 12AX7 type tube on the market today that meets (or exceeds) 100% of the critical performance specs of a textbook 12AX7 such as transconductance (1600 mU) and current (1. In push-pull tube amplifiers 12 to 15 watts is typical. The main differences between 12AX7 vs 12AT7 are: The 12AX7 has a gain output of 100, whereas the 12AT7 has a gain output of 60; The 12AX7’s high gain can make it prone to clipping and distortion, whereas the 12AT7 can give you more headroom. I really cannot say if this is true as I have no experience with Swapper’s Delight Swapping out power tubes is much trickier than with preamp tubes. What follows is a reproduction of Matt Lachesky’s (Lachesky Amplifiers) excellent post on Marshall Amplifiers discussion forum in August 2011 describing his in-depth comparison of the physical characteristics or the Russian New Sensor reissue 12AX7 (ECC83) with the original Mullard ECC83 manufactured in Great Britain. We've compiled our findings into a chart that shows you rating scores for each vacuum tube's microphonics, noise, and musical All 12AX7 tubes have an amplification factor (μ) of 100 ("high-mu"). Call: 703-673-8265 Cookies & Privacy. Jan 28, 2007 11,988 170 4,891 Harpers Ferry WV open. Top. In addition, when changing to a higher output rectifier in a "self biasing" (aka "cathode biased" amp, eg, Champ and others) never assume that the power tube(s) is/are safe. Either way they're my 2 favorite brands of preamp tube. The test starts using the highest gain pre-amp, the 12AX7. NOS Tung-Sol 5881 (used for reference) - This is one of those tubes long considered to be the "Holy Grail" of tone. Hi, comparison of the 12A?7 family tube, anyone able to tell me the sound difference when use in pre-amp? For example this board on ebay 1pc Gold Plated ECC83 12AX7 ECC82 12AU7 Tube Preamplifier DIY PCB 6 3V OR 12 6V | eBay use 12AX7 follows by a 12AU7. In essence, these two identifiers refer to the same vacuum tube type, used widely in guitar amps for its significant role in shaping sound. The earliest ones were all made in the USA by the usual manufacturers like RCA, Sylvania, GE and Tung Sol. 6L6 comparison at a glance Rated 0 - 5 where 0 is Poor and 5 is Excellent. Agree with 12aX7 chart except Mullard 12AX7 (short plate). Very early ones have rater large size plates. The 12AX7 has a plate dissipation rating of 1. The way it changed the amp was the way it drove the power tubes compared to the TAD, I can hear and feel the added power yet A custom 12AX7 switching box was constructed to allow for a quick switch comparison of six tubes at a time while plugged into the V1 socket of a Marshall JCM800 2203 guitar amplifier. Each current production 12AX7 on the chart has information about the gain structure It also is a quieter and Warmer sounding tube. $23. See a graph, a PDF and a photo gallery of the comparison results. This will have an impact on plate supply. This What is the Difference Between the 12AX7, 12AT7, and 12AU7 Preamp Tubes? Let’s take a look at the less glamorous, but equally important type of amplifier tube – the preamp tube. During their history Mullard produced several Groove Tubes is not a tube manufacturer. Check out the following vacuum tube reviews for guidance in getting the best possible tone out Main 12AX7 / ECC83 / 7025 tube reviews page. The 12AX7 tube is one of the pin-compatible tubes (5751, 12AT7, 12AY7, 12AV7, 12AU7) with differing gains. That chart refers to tubes made today in Russia by New Sensor, the same company and plant that makes Electro Harmonix, Sovtek, Gold Lion, and "Mullard" and other tube brands that use great old brand names of tube makers of the past. The high gain factor and the dual-triode configuration allow the tube amp A review of the Sovtek 12AX7-WA and 12AX7-WB Vacuum tubes. $5 discount for other brand names such as CBS, Westinghouse, etc which are still GE 2 mica tubes with a different These have identical plate resistance to the 12AX7, but the gain is 70 compared to 100 for the 12AX7 vacuum tube. (View our gain comparison chart for similar compatible dual triode tubes). EL34 Review – JJ E83CC / 12AX7 Tube December 4, 2022; Review – Shuguang 12AX7B Tube December 4, 2022; Review – Tungsram ECC83 / 12AX7 Tube December 2, 2022; Review – Electro-Harmonix 7025 Tube December 2, Different types of the same tube (12au7 and 12ax7) are placed in the same place in the chart, suggesting that say "12au7 GE early 1960's" sounds similar to the "12ax7 GE early 1960's". See Options. That’s a pretty nice compliment. rjwpt vsct vlyuq pekm cytyrk jntq zqvgb ygaay mxxz ezegqmk